1 32 Scale Figures For Slot Cars

Bringing Your Slot Car Track to Life with 1:32 Scale Figures

A close-up photo of a 1:32 scale figure standing next to a slot car on a track.

Adding 1:32 scale figures to your slot car track is a great way to create a more realistic and immersive experience. These tiny figures can add a touch of detail and personality to your track, making it look and feel more like a real race track.

Types of 1:32 Scale Figures

There are a wide variety of 1:32 scale figures available, including:

  • Drivers: You can find figures of famous race car drivers from different eras, as well as generic driver figures.
  • Pit crew members: These figures can be posed working on the cars, adding to the realism of your track.
  • Spectators: Spectators can add a sense of atmosphere to your track, making it look like there are people watching the race.
  • Other figures: There are also other figures available, such as track officials, photographers, and animals.

Choosing the Right Figures

When choosing 1:32 scale figures for your slot car track, there are a few things to consider:

  • Scale: Make sure the figures are in 1:32 scale, as this is the most common scale for slot cars.
  • Pose: Choose figures that are posed in a way that looks natural on your track. For example, you might want drivers to be standing next to their cars, pit crew members to be working on the cars, and spectators to be watching the race.
  • Detail: The more detail the figures have, the more realistic they will look. However, more detailed figures can also be more expensive.
  • Price: 1:32 scale figures can range in price from a few dollars to tens of dollars each. Set a budget for yourself before you start shopping.

Where to Buy 1:32 Scale Figures

You can buy 1:32 scale figures from a variety of sources, including:

  • Hobby stores: Most hobby stores that sell slot cars will also sell 1:32 scale figures.
  • Online retailers: There are many online retailers that sell 1:32 scale figures, such as Amazon, eBay, and specialty slot car retailers.
  • Model train stores: Some model train stores also sell 1:32 scale figures, as this scale is also used for model trains.

Adding Figures to Your Slot Car Track

Once you have your figures, you can add them to your slot car track in a few different ways:

  • You can simply glue them down to the track surface.
  • You can create small bases for the figures, which will allow you to move them around if you want.
  • You can use scenery materials, such as grass, trees, and rocks, to create a more realistic setting for your figures.


Adding 1:32 scale figures to your slot car track is a great way to make it more realistic and immersive. With a little planning and effort, you can create a track that looks and feels like a real race track.

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